With 1 in 3 employees believing the cybersecurity of their company is a moderate or major problem, decision-makers must do more to reassure them. Especially since remote work is now a big part of the workplace. And as more people work from home, digital security will become even more important for employees.

According to a recent survey and report from Nulab, 76% of employees say there is some degree of a problem. And only 24% say there is no problem at all. This means more than 3 in 4 have an issue with the cybersecurity protocol the company they work for has in place. And it affects companies of all sizes.

Employee Worries About Cyber Security

The cybersecurity issue is difficult enough for large enterprises, but the problem becomes even more challenging for small businesses. So, how are small businesses with fewer resources managing the problem? The question is a timely one for the current environment. However, it is important to point out small businesses have always been a favorite target for cybercriminals.

The Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) says 28% of cyber-attacks target small businesses. And because it does not make the news like the security breaches of large companies, people, including business owners, wrongly assume they are not under a major threat. But this could not be further from the truth. And when you consider small businesses make up 99% of all firms in the U.S., the problem is that much more distressing.

image: Nulab

The Survey

The Nulab survey spoke to…

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