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About this event
- 1 hour
- Mobile eTicket
Please join us on February 8, 2023, when the International Project Committee, ISO/PC 317 – Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services, will hold a public webinar on
• ISO 31700-1 Consumer protection — Privacy by design for consumer goods and services — Part 1: High-level requirements and
• ISO TR 31700-2 Consumer protection — Privacy by design for consumer goods and services — Part 2: Use cases which are scheduled for publication on January 31st 2023.
The ISO 31700 series presents the first set of high-level requirements for ensuring consumer privacy is embedded into the design of a product or service, offering protection throughout the whole life cycle. The new standards will not only facilitate compliance with regulations, but generate greater consumer trust at a time when it is needed most.
The webinar will provide an overview of these standards and provide context, as well as help stakeholders in the application of these documents. The intended audience includes business managers and owners (enterprises and SMEs), engineers, consumer privacy advocates, and technology practitioners who are involved in the design, training, implementation, lifecycle operation, or auditing of digitally enabled consumer goods and services.
The guest speakers will include:
Dr. Ann Cavoukian (former Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada);
Jan Schallaboeck (Chair of ISO/PC317);
Michelle Chibba (Project Editor);
Antonio Kung (Project Editor);
Pete Eisenegger (Consumer expert).
A full agenda will be circulated shortly before the event with the access information for the Zoom call.
Privacy by Design to become an ISO standard next month
Fourteen years after being introduced by a Canadian privacy commissioner, Privacy by Desig…